Labour in Labor (In Progress) 2019-Current

Labour in Labor is an in progress project exploring re-imagined Marxian theory of labour and production under the lens of queer/femme markers.

“If the nature and history of alienation, labor, and the production of property are reexamined in terms of women’s work and childbirth, it can lead us to a reading of Marx beyond Marx." -Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak


One of the methods used to examine production, commodity, and use/exchange value, among other things is the process of slipcasting. Slipcasting is a process by which one makes multiples of a 3D object out of either porcelain or clay. I have been using this method to produce porcelain eggs as objects of examination. The eggs serve a purpose other than just a production process to examine labour and material. They also stand in as a metaphor for women's labour (economic theory)/labor (the act of giving birth, each woman’s individual domestic duties) aka "women's work" and assertion of its place in Marxist theory. The eggs are a symbol of birth and labor. They are an object that I hope asks the viewer to examine the labor in producing future labourers. The choice to make the eggs from porcelain stems from its place in the domestic space but also in its relationship to craft. While these objects are made to serve as a part of a performance, I also see them existing as objects that can speak to their own meaning through process and concept.

Porcelain eggs and molds during the slipcasting process.

Porcelain eggs and molds during the slipcasting process.

Eggs after being glazed and fired.

Eggs after being glazed and fired.


I see the performative action of smashing the eggs open as a rejection of use and exchange value, as well as an invitation to the spectators to try to see value in other spaces. I am deeply interested in the value of process not just as a means to an end, but as a space of learning and making within its own right.

“Performance clogs the smooth machinery of reproductive representation necessary to the circulation of capital.” -Peggy Phelan


Egg to Egg


Fetus Marx in the Womb